Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving, a national day set aside to give thanks to God for His blessings on our country, came about because of the true historical accounts of the Pilgrim's celebrative meal shared after their survival as recorded by Governor Bradford of the Plymouth Plantation. I love history, unfortunately most of what they teach in schools today is false or in the least politically motivated.
When I was in elementary school 40 years ago, we were taught that Thanksgiving was a celebration of how the Pilgrims working together were able to survive the harsh winter and successfully plant crops with the help of the Indians (now named Native Americans by the politically correct crowd). In fact, it was stressed that were it not for the collectivism of the Pilgrims and the knowledge of farming that the Indians shared with them, the Pilgrims would have perished.
This might have been a nice, feel-good story, and it may have fit in well with the liberal theology that has been forced upon public education since the 1960s, but it is a lie. Historical documents show that Bradford and the Pilgrims did experiment with collectivism, also known as socialism, but Bradford's own diaries show that they learned quickly that collectivism does not work. It is precisely because of this experiment that they almost perished.
I encourage you to read some true historical facts about the Pilgrims at Plymouth Plantation by reading The Plymouth Experiment written by Kim Weissman in 1999 at the Thought You Should Know blog. Thanksgiving needs to remain a time to Thank God for providing for all of our needs (Jehovah Jireh). But we should not diminish the important historical facts of how God provided for the Pilgrim's by rewritting history to suit our own political agendas.