Hope for the Helpless

We are beginning to see the effects of the hard times that the media is trying their best to ignore. Our country is financial in ruins, our leaders refuse to look to God for their help, and our celebrities are morally bankrupt.  We are killing those without a voice of their own, we are celebrating those who live lifestyles that are contrary to God's will, and we cheer when people create chaos and confusion.

All of this is leading to an increase in the hopelessness that people feel all around them. A recent article on Fox News confirms that the suicide rate is increasing among teens and young adults who see a world that is increasingly destructive in nature, people that are increasingly hateful toward each other in spite of our forced politically correct society, and they cannot see any hope for their future.

I can understand their doubt, their despair, and their desperation. I am a musician, which means that I am full of emotions that ebb and flow. Just this morning I woke angry for no reason whatsoever. A few hours later I was depressed, having difficult concentrating on my work. Last night I was anguishing after watching the movie, "Saving Private Ryan" as I experienced the horror that our troops and nations experienced on D-Day so long ago. It reminded me of what my own father must have suffered through in Korea and Vietnam, the atrocities of war that have continued to have a hold on his life through PTSD. Emotions are often what inspire musicians to create out of our need to express how we feel.

As I read this article today I was saddened by the tragic loss of these young lives. Several suicides have recently impacted my own community. But what saddens me even more is that so many Christians, who have the answer to the hurts that these people are experiencing, never share their faith with anyone. We have a world that is in need of Jesus and we sit back, in effect becoming complicit with the social belief that everything is hopeless. I cannot help but wonder what our country would be like today if even 50% of those who call themselves Christians would share their faith at least once each month.

If you have found this blog post because you Googled "hope" or another keyword, please know that there is hope beyond your wildest dreams. And I also want you to know that I will be glad to share with you, cry with you, pray with you, or whatever you need so that you can move beyond the hopelessness that you may be experiencing. Even the strongest among us have moments when we just need to cry out to Jesus.

There is hope for the helpless
Rest for the weary
love for the broken heart
There is grace and forgiveness
Mercy and healing
He'll meet you wherever you are
Cry out to Jesus, cry out to Jesus

(Third Day - Cry Out to Jesus)


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