
Showing posts from July, 2007

Virtual Church on Second Life

If you seem to be spending too much time online, then maybe the new Second Life Church is for you. Second Life is an online virtual reality world and the Second Life Church has been built inside by LifeChurch , a multi-location church. Check out the links above to learn more about Second Life, LifeChurch or Second Life Church.

Worship Changes

My in-laws forwarded a prospectus from their pastor about his vision for their church during the next ten years. I can agree with almost everything he has to say. He showed a great desire to reach the lost and made a personal commitment for witnessing to the lost. The one main area that I disagreed with him was his statement about worship being a primary tool for reaching the lost and unchurched. Worship is not for the lost, it is an act of love by believers directed to God. When we gear worship for the lost, we are not worshipping, we are performing. The lost rarely accept Christ because of a worship service. That mentality is a holdover from when many lost people accepted Christ at tent revival meetings. Church members who look to those “glory days” fail to understand that most of the work in witnessing to the lost was done by evangelical teams prior to and during the revival. Try getting these same church members to join you in visiting a lost persons home and they most likely will

The Life of Preachers' Kids

I started thinking about this today after my boys showed signs of being worn out from the Fourth of July activities at church this past week. Our two little PKs (Preacher’s Kids) have always had to spend many hours at churches. Because of the long hours of waiting at church while I prepare for, direct or clean up after a rehearsal, worship service or special program, they also get a little more freedom than most children to wander around the church buildings. They have learned some great secrets unknown to most children: secret hiding places, candy storage areas, closets full of special equipment, locked and mysterious rooms, etc. When I was a child, church members used to comment on how much trouble PKs would get into and how little the parents would do to keep an eye on them or discipline them. My father, a deacon, used to reply that the only reason Preacher’s Kids got into so much trouble is because they hung out with the Deacons’ Kids. My little PKs have also learned that they some