Sunday Set List
This is my first post for Fred McKinnon's Sunday Set List . We had a guest pastor (actually one of our own members who is in Bible College preparing to be a pastor), so we took a step away from our series on Strange Stories From the Bible. This series has actually been very difficult for worship planning, so it was nice to just plan something basic for a change. Believe it or not, we fit this much into one hour. Prelude: Band plays Mighty to Save Prayer by me Songs I Could Sing of Your Love Forever in F by Martin Smith (we did this much faster than the YouTube demo and it leads in nicely for the next) Forever in G by Chris Tomlin Holy Is the Lord in F by Chris Tomlin Mighty to Save in G by Rueben Morgan Here I Am to Worship in F by Tim Hughes How Great Is Our God in Bb by Chris Tomlin (we add chorus of "How Great Thou Art" a cappella after final chorus and then come back in full one more time for chorus) Children's Sermon VBS Commissioning Sermon Decision: Here...