Scientific Fact or Faith
The danger inherent in intellectualism is the misplaced notion that intellect is gained strictly from the learned studies of the sciences and humanities without any necessity of faith. To justify this inane belief one would need to ignore the gapping holes in scientific research and embrace the unwritten need to deify scientific thought as the end all to any argument. Scientific research has left the realm of true science and has been catapulted into a religion all its own. Scientists who dare to question the authority of the Holy Script are attacked and vilified as heretics of the faith. And, just as cults loosely based on truth remove or add to the written Word, when actions do not correlate to the Holy Script of Science, scientists see no moral issue with falsifying their findings. Or, to offer the benefit of the doubt toward their noble cause, perhaps I should rephrase that to adjusting the results based on their own preconceived expectations. Science is supposed to be a...