Salt and Light
Too many Christians hide within the confines of the church. They attend every church function, every church training, every church everything. And then take pride in the fact that they were at church every time the door was open. We are told that we are to be in the world, but not of the world, yet many Christians do everything they can to avoid the world. My challenge for Christians is to get outside of the church and start making an impact on your community for Christ: show His love, be His hands and feet, share His light with a world that is no longer walking toward the darkness, but running headlong into it. We have been called to be salt and light. Salt left inside the cabinet does no good. A light that never enters the darkness is of little use. It is time to put on your spiritual big boy/girl pants (the armor of God) and get out on the battlefield. And stop trying to force non-Christians to act like Christians. You must first help people come to know Christ befo...