Grace Is Greater Than Our Mistakes
Watch our worship gathering on Facebook Live Video The English language is ever changing, especially in America. Words that used to be commonplace are now forgotten. Words that used to be slang are now part of our everyday life. And new words are getting created all the time. Here are some new words that have been added to the dictionary in recent years. Does anyone know what phonesia is? It is when you call a friend in your contact list and just as they answer you cannot remember who you were calling. Has that ever happened to you? What about disconfect ? When you drop a piece of candy on the floor, pick it up, and blow on it attempting to blow away the germs, you are trying to disconfect it. I guess this is now part of the 5 second rule. Has anyone experienced blamestorming ? This is when a group gathers for the purpose of assigning responsibility for a failure or mistake. My brother and I would blamestorm all the time and never knew that is what we were doing. We...