Building the Church Together
Dr. Joel C. Hunter of Northland Community Church in Orlando, Florida tells this story… A teacher in a young children’s class noticed David as soon as he walked into her classroom. David was missing his left arm. The teacher was worried that the other children would say something about David’s missing arm, so she immediately started going around to each of the children in the classroom and asking them to play the old “Here is the Church, Here is the Steeple” hand game with her. The children were so into the game that nobody asked David about his arm or said anything at all about it. By the end of the class, the teacher was thrilled that she had made it without any negative attention being given to David. Just before their closing prayer, she excitedly said, “Let’s everyone hold our hands together and do “Here is the Church.” She realized her mistake immediately when she glanced over at David. But before she could say anything else, one of the little girls in the class put her right arm ...