The DC Tea Party
It is time for all Americans to remind Washington that we do not like taxation without representation. Not one of our government leaders took the time to read the stimulus plan that was passed almost exclusively by Democrats. Only three cowardly Republicans joined to vote in favor of it. This massive bill will do nothing to stimulate our economy. Look at how Wall Street has reacted to this. And now Obama plans to start taxing everyone even more. Sure Obama says he is only taxing the top 2% in our nation. But his new budget includes increased taxes for fuels, energy, communication and other items that all Americans use. He ended the Bush tax cuts which means every citizen who pays taxes will get an increase. He continues to prove that he does not care about anyone in this country and will do everything he can to socialize the country with universal healthcare and fewer freedoms. Remember his statements about working with both parties? Yet in his first meeting after his inauguration he t...