Is the Health Care Reform Bill Unconstitutional?

I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on television. However, Michael Connelly is a retired lawyer from Louisiana and has written an excellent Blog article on this exact subject. Rather than link to his Blog, which is certainly only his opinion, I thought I would link to the Snopes article which verifies that he indeed was the author of the article as well as some additional comments by other respected leaders who have spoken about this same subject. There are even some quotes included from an article in the Wall Street Journal.

Unfortunately, this is an issue that will require the courts to decide. The increasing number of radical and extreme liberal judges is exactly why every election on every level counts. If you won't take the time to read the Health Care Reform bill, I hope that you will at least take the time to read this article linked below.

Michael Connelly on the Constitutionality of Health Care Reform

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charis said…
well....some of us believe people have a right to be healthy. Which then means the government has the responsibility to provide citizens with the necessary services to maintain health.

Also find it interesting that the same people who want to make it illegal (and therefore, potentially life threatening) for a woman to choose to have an abortion are the same ones up in arms about losing "choice" in their healthcare...

The bill as it stands is a mess, and I do need to brush up on it's specific contents. But everyone (with the exception of healthcare providers and insurers) suffers when healthcare is a for-profit venture.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately I cannot agree. Health is not a right guaranteed by our Constitution. If they want to make it a right, they must make an amendment to the Constitution first.

Do we have some problems with our health care? Yes. And conservatives have tried to get their ideas for fixing it brought up for debate, but Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have shut them out.

The answers are to stop allowing illegals free medical care which requires the rest of us to pay. Stop allowing the government to pay for abortions which requires the rest of us to pay. Stop allowing lawyers to sue doctor's for millions which requires the rest of us to pay.

Health care used to be affordable before everyone started demanding health insurance. Insurance companies bargain with doctor's for cheaper prices, but then everyone else pays more because they are always going to make the money up somewhere.

What Congress is doing is going to destroy 1/6 of our economy and enslave millions of people into government controlled health care. there is no better quality health care anywhere in the world. The UN has issued false documents based on biased opinions that have been used to demean our doctor's and nurses, but they fail to answer why everyone with money chooses to come to the U.S. for medical treatment.

I hope for the sake of all free people that this bill is defeated somehow.
charis said…
I guess you're opposed to the public school system as well, since the U.S. Constitution doesn't specify a right to education? Nothing wrong with that, but if one does support the notion that the education of a society is important enough that our tax dollars ought to fund it, it's inconsistent not to think the same of healthcare. And while these may not be in the Constitution, education and a "standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family" are in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which I would assume to be valid in the U.S.

The U.S. isn't the only place people with money go for healthcare, and health tourism is becoming a booming business in places like Thailand. We have shorter life expectancies than many developed nations, and our maternal and infant mortality rate is a disgrace. Meanwhile, we spend 15% of our GDP on healthcare- more than several nations with both universal healthcare and better health outcomes.

People have been working towards major healthcare reform since President Truman was in office, and this is the closest we've ever gotten. If this bill doesn't pass, or is watered down to the point of being ineffective and/or primarily benefiting insurance companies, it's going to be a great loss.
Unknown said…
Actually I am opposed to the public school system. I think the people that can best educate their children are the parents. Public school has become indoctrination centers for creating a culture of people who believe the government should take care of their every need. The founders warned against this and never intended for the federal government to have the power it has today.

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