Lessons from Habakkuk

I am part of a home small group Bible study and our study this week is taken from the book of Habakkuk (click here to hear it pronounced). I thought I would post some lessons that I learned from this study, which is chapter 17 in the book Right Thinking In A World Gone Wrong: A Biblical Response to Today's Most Controversial Issues by John MacArthur.

Habakkuk 1:1-4 – Habakkuk basically asks God, “Why aren’t you doing anything about Judah’s sinfulness?”

Habakkuk 1:5-11 – God’s answer was basically, “I am doing something. I am sending the Babylonians (modern region of Iraq) to conquer and enslave Judah.” Habakkuk was shocked by God’s response and asked a second question.

Habakkuk 1:12-17 – Habakkuk’s second question was “How can you allow these unclean, uncircumcised, ungodly people conquer and enslave Your chosen people, the Kingdom of priests?” At first he was upset that God was not doing anything about the sin, and then he was upset that God was being overly drastic in His punishment.

Habakkuk 2:1-20 – God’s answered Habakkuk by assuring him that He was going to punish the Babylonians also. He then offered Habakkuk two passages of comfort: Habakkuk 2:4 (the righteous will live by faith) and 2:20 (God will still reign in His holy temple).

In tough times when it seems the godly suffer and the ungodly prosper, what theological foundation does Habakkuk teach us? Salvation is by faith and God is on His throne. Habakkuk’s entire attitude was changed by God’s answer.

Right Responses to Trials - Chapter 3 of Habakkuk

  1. Habakkuk 3:1 – start with prayer. Instead of demanding answers from God or trying to tell God how He should do things, Habakkuk now recognizes God’s sovereignty. Prayer takes our focus off of our circumstances and puts our eyes on God. Prayer may not change your circumstance, but it will change your perspective.
  2. Habakkuk 3:2, 16 – surrender and submit to God’s authority. If we realize that God is omniscient, we will be willing to be instruments for His use. And, while it is not always comfortable or easy, trials do help us mature in our faith. Read James 1:2-3.
  3. Habakkuk 3:3-15 – Remember God’s greatness. Sometimes we need to go back and visit those milestones in our lives. These milestones will allow us to remember what God has done for us and how He brought us out of previous circumstances.
  4. Habakkuk 3:17-18 – Reaffirm your faith in God and make storm preparations. Habakkuk knew that Judah was in for some difficult times and that this was exactly what had been prophesied. Yet he resolved to exalt and rejoice in the Lord regardless. Just as you would prepare for a hurricane or blizzard, Habakkuk teaches us that we must prepare ourselves for the coming trials so that in the midst of the trials we do not doubt and lose faith.
  5. Habakkuk 3:19 – Rest in the strength of the Lord. If we take the time to follow through with the previous four responses, then this one is the payment for handling our trials correctly.
Listen to this song: “The Strength of the Lord”


Betty said…
Great Bible study. Made me think.
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