So Proud!

Watching a Disney environmental commercial and my boys start complaining about all of the resources they wasted in making the commercial: paper, paints, electricity, money, etc. Glad they have learned how to spot hypocrisy on their own. Like we are to believe that these Hollywood stars actually have smaller carbon footprints than us regular folk.

Energy conservation in our home starts by living within my salary. That is the reason I am always turning off lights, not because I am trying to save a horned-bill white-crested mole-rat in Saskatoon (I doubt they actually exist, so don't try to Google them). I am not trying to conserve water during the mini-drought we are experiencing by not watering my lawn. It is because I do not want to pay that larger water bill when it comes next month.

If I had as much money as Al Gore I might own multiple mansions, fly on private jets, ride in limos, etc. The difference is that I would not be out telling others that they need to conserve energy and reduce their carbon footprint or destroy the planet. I personally believe that the dictionary should include Al Gore's name in the description of "hypocrisy."


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