Looking For Sound People

No, I am not actually speaking about a state of mind...although that could help. This is more about the 20-80 rule. You know, 20% of the people do 80% of the work. However, I am convinced that the numbers need to be updated some because it seems that the correct number is closer to 15-100.

On a typical Sunday, we have a need for about 7 people to help with our Multimedia Ministry (sound, lights, projection, video). That is less than 1% of our worship attendance. Now I understand that some of those who attend worship are also involved in other ministries: Bible Study leaders, ushers, greeters, counters, baptismal workers, instrumentalists, choir, praise team, nursery, etc. (I use the etc. to include all of those areas I left out because I am sure somebody will remind me of their ministry area).

I am sure that there are some sound people out there just waiting to be used, but we have not been successful in finding them through the normal channels: announcements, begging, word of mouth, personal invitations, etc. Just where do you go to find sound people at your church? How many of you use youth in your sound/multimedia ministry? How many pay for somebody to lead this ministry?


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