Prayerful Posting

In the past few weeks I have been asked by several people to wade into religious discussions on their blog or facebook walls. And there have been a few that I plunged into without an invitation. So I thought I would share some of what I do prior to wading in or plunging in.

Ask that God will give me the right words as well as the right attitude.

  1. Most people are passionate about their beliefs, whether or not they are religious people, so we need God to moderate our passion to fit appropriately in each situation.
  2. I often use current language and explanations about what the scripture means rather than just direct quotes, but I throw in specifics as needed. Some people can quote scripture passages without any problem, but many people do not know the Bible well and do not understand it when we throw the verses into their face. God can help us to know when it is appropriate to give direct Biblical quotes and when the individuals need to hear more practical explanations instead. 
  3. Satan loves to twist our words as much as he does God's Word, so we need divine guidance to say just the right thing.
Verify information before posting.
  1. If there is something I am unsure of, I will get my facts straight before I post it. Thankfully resources like BibleGateway allow me to do just that in almost any translation. Sometimes I need to search through a commentary or even get advice from a spiritual mentor.
  2. I read all posts and comments to make sure I understand what the discussion is actually about. Often people only read a few and do not see that others have already made the same point.
  3. Proof-read what I wrote. Sometimes I accidentally only put "do" when I meant to write "do not". It makes a big difference.
Modify comments to fit my audience.
  1. Just as Jesus fit his stories to the people He spoke to, or just as Paul said he would be all things to all people, I try to make my conversation fit for the individual.
  2. I re-read what I have written before posting...several times. I do not want to say anything that sounds like I am condemning a person for their beliefs. That is not my job.
  3. Sometimes I do not know who the audience is, so I may change "religious" words into words that non-religious people will understand. How many non-religious people will understand sanctified or even redeemed with some explanation?
Recognize individuals.
  1. If I am speaking to a specific individual in a long list of comments, I start with their name. This prevents others from thinking I am being critical toward them.
  2. I let people know that I agree with them on certain areas, if I really do agree.
  3. I try to thank people for being willing to discuss in a kind manner.
Never criticize or put people down.
  1. I always come at the discussion with the understanding that my highest goal is to display Christ for them.
  2. I do not want anyone to think I am belittling them or their point of view, especially if their view has nothing to do with the important aspects of salvation. Great theologians can differ on minor areas of religion, so why try to beat each other up over those areas.
  3. Just because I may be right, does not mean that they are automatically wrong. Often times people are saying the same thing in two different ways. I will not bend on my spiritual beliefs, but I am not trying to convince the world to think as I do. I want them to think as Christ does.


Linda Borneman said…
Steve, you are such an example to all of us! Thank you for sharing your heart with us. You surely honor the Lord.
Unknown said…
Thanks, Linda.

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