Not Exactly Syndicated

After 100 episodes a television program can go into syndication, meaning that the show can be rebroadcast in markets other than those reached by the original station. That is why many shows use their 100th episode as a celebrating and often "look back" at previous episodes showing scenes through the memories of the cast. I am not a syndicated writer, but I have posted 390 blog posts and this is my third "looking back" post. This time I am sharing series that I have posted in the past year. Most of these have 4-6 posts per theme. Many of the regular readers have seen these, but some who have recently started reading this blog may have missed them.

Shepherds and Sheep - Scripture is full of analogies depicting church members and sheep and pastors as shepherds. Any pastor will tell you that we sheep are not easy to care for in the best situations. How should pastors shepherd their flock? This series takes a serious look at what scripture says regardless of current or past traditions.

A New Beginning - The music wars are nothing new, but this series can help a new worship pastor learn how to discover the real resources, abilities, and needs of the church with regards to music and worship ministries. These same techniques can be used in all areas of the church.

Ephesians - Notes from my Bible Study groups study on the book of Ephesians. The overall theme of this study is our Victory in Christ. Most of the information for this study came from the NIV Study Bible and Holman Commentary.

What's Wrong - The first post covers teens and the next post covers adults.

NOW - I am considering a series on the armor of God because I received an armor of God statue for Christmas. I have also considered doing a mythbusters series on busting myths of Christianity. I have also considered doing a series on "Ministry: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly." What would you like to see me tackle?

UPDATE: I was working on this blog post this past Saturday morning. On Saturday afternoon I got a call and discovered that I would need to preach a sermon on I wrote a message on the armor of God and used the statue as an illustration. I will share the sermon (hopefully as a video) later.


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