RA Camp

The boys and I went to RA Camp this past week. We had a great time and some interesting experiences. The boys got to enjoy canoeing, archery, hiking, crafts and wild games. The camp was held at Wometo (stands for Women and Men Together) which is only about 20 minutes from our house. We stayed in a nice, air-conditioned cabins with 5 bunk beds each. We had 18 from our church in two cabins and another 5 cabins of boys from other churches around Maryland.

On the first day as one of the other counselors (David) and I were sharing a canoe, one of the teenagers who help at the camp decided to lob apples in the pond in order to splash us. We would catch the apples or pick them out of the water and throw them back at him. David leaned out a little too far and rocked the canoe dangerously to one side. I leaned the other direction just as he quickly leaned that same direction. You guessed it, we tipped over. Swimming in water over our heads, we managed to get the canoe up righted and climb back in. I had to drive back home to get some dry shoes.

During the second evening we had an unexpected visitor in our cabin. Around 12:30 AM the cabin door opened quickly and I saw a child enter the cabin. I thought it was one of our boys who had gone home that day and was supposed to be back. He stood right by the door and wasn’t moving, so I asked who it was. He told me his name, but it wasn’t one of the boys in our cabin. I asked what he was doing and he said he had been sleepwalking. He started to get into a bunk then went to the bathroom. After he came out he started to get into the bunk again. I asked what cabin he was in and he said, “Number 7, this one.” When I told him he was in cabin 8 he said, “Oh, shoot” and left.
Zachary learned that he likes Toby Mac. I have tried to get him to listen to a variety of Christian music, but Casting Crowns is the only group he has liked. Well, actually he only likes one of their songs, “What if My People Prayed.” He wanted to download Toby Mac songs for his MP3 player as soon as we got home, which meant I had to do a Google search to figure out how to convert I-Tunes M4A files to MP3 files.


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