Should We Always Follow The Majority?

Emperor Marcus Aurelius of the Roman Empire, who served from AD 161 until his death in AD 180, once made a brilliant observation about the majority. “The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding one's self in the ranks of the insane.”

Sometimes what society calls normal seems to resemble lemmings plunging to their death from the cliff face of Political Correctness. The Liberal Elitists have perfected the craft of shaming others into silence. They bundle their world domineering goals into sad little dishrag tales of doom and gloom. When clear minded commoners attempt to point out the fallacies of their theories, the liberals pin the "radical, right-wing swine" against a wall of bigotry and hatred for their fellow humans. Dare to disagree and you are dressed in the disease of the hatemonger, or worse, the Christian moralist.

As more of the commoners among us wipe the crust from our eyes and the cobwebs from our minds numbed by decades of agenda-driven news moguls, the Liberal Elitists switch to their shrieking, defensive game plan from that age-old fine art of name calling. Perhaps we should follow in the steps of Captain Jack Sparrow, “Sticks and stones, luv, sticks and stones.”

America needs to stop following the majority thought of the world, which is trying to convince us that by hugging trees, Muslim terrorists and DUI prone movie stars we can achieve a state or nirvana. When we start following the One who gave us the ability to think we will certainly find heaven on earth.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14, NIV)


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