I have been tagged by Wendy because she wants to torment me.

The rules:

  • Put a link to the person who tagged you.
  • Mention the rules on your blog.
  • Tell 6 quirky things about yourself.
  • Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
  • Leave each of them a comment letting them know they've been tagged.

My list:

  1. Little, unknown noises bug me. I cannot sleep until I figure out what is causing the noise.
  2. Knowing that there are things out of their proper place bug me. Before I was married I had to make sure everything was in the proper place before going to sleep. I gave up after marriage and then kids.
  3. I hate repeating myself. Did you hear me? I hate, oh, never mind.
  4. When I get money as a gift I would rather spend it on other people than on myself.
  5. I can't remember people or things that happened in my past unless I am not trying to remember them.
  6. I can hear the distinct voices and conversations from dozens of people as I walk through the mall or any other public place. I can mentally focus on my conversation with someone, but I cannot tune out all of the other noises. I get physically exhausted from the effort and, therefore, do not enjoy shopping.

I am supposed to tag 6 people, but I do not know anybody else who has a blog other than Wendy. So I guess the chain stops here.


DebD said…
I'm the same way with #1 and #6. It doesn't help that hubby is going deaf (thanks to years playing bass in bands)... he just doesn't understand.

(Metanoia from THSL)

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