Who Is Laughing Now?
For eight years who heard constant complaints about George W. Bush from liberal politicians and the mainstream media. They called him stupid, they ridiculed his speeches, they continually called him a liar, they brought out as much dirt about his family and friends as possible, they wrote books calling for him to be assassinated, they made dream movies concerning his death, etc. The biggest complaint that we heard from his opponents was that the opinion of America had been damaged by his "cowboy politics." So what are these people saying now about Obama? Amazingly they are praising him. Obama refuses to release his college records, but they media claims he is the smartest president we have ever had. Obama cannot make a speech without using a teleprompter, but they glow about his ability to give speeches. He campaigned on changing Washington and shrinking government, but when his lies are clearly seen with appointment of tax cheating Washington insiders and the government grab...