Who Is Laughing Now?

For eight years who heard constant complaints about George W. Bush from liberal politicians and the mainstream media. They called him stupid, they ridiculed his speeches, they continually called him a liar, they brought out as much dirt about his family and friends as possible, they wrote books calling for him to be assassinated, they made dream movies concerning his death, etc. The biggest complaint that we heard from his opponents was that the opinion of America had been damaged by his "cowboy politics."

So what are these people saying now about Obama? Amazingly they are praising him. Obama refuses to release his college records, but they media claims he is the smartest president we have ever had. Obama cannot make a speech without using a teleprompter, but they glow about his ability to give speeches. He campaigned on changing Washington and shrinking government, but when his lies are clearly seen with appointment of tax cheating Washington insiders and the government grabbing more power and growing astronomically beyond anything in the past, the media fawns over how much he cares. If anyone dares to bring up issues about his friends or family, the media screams foul and attacks the messengers. The liberals and mainstrean media are slobbering all over themselves for the opportunity to write books or make movies about how great the Obama presidency is even though his biggest accomplishments have been to allow for more deaths of the innocent unborn while freeing the terrorists who want to kill more Americans.

As to the opinion of the world about America: the French president is mocking our president for his weakness in coming to Europe and whining about what Bush left behind and apologising for America being the cause of the world's problems; the British are laughing at the stupidity of Obama in giving a set of American region DVDs to the British Prime Minister who is nearly blind and an iPod to an elderly Queen who already has her own iPod; the Arabs are laughing at the weak American President who bowed to Saudi's king and kissed his ring; and the hispanic nations watch as Obama shakes hands with the American hating dictator of Venezuela and accepts an anti-American book from him in an obvious coup to weaken our president.

Do you hear the laughing? In less than 100 days America has become the laughing stock of the world.


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