Teen Boys
This week we have had an extra teen at home as our nephew came to visit. We were trying to think of some fun things to do with the three boys (ages ~13, 14 and 15). I asked them what they would like to do and this was their response: N: Nothing especially. A: Play video games. Z: It depends...can I have $20? Later I suggested that we go to tour the Havre de Grace Chocolate factory. This was their response: A: You don't want to get me near chocolate. N: Yeah, we would probably end up in the chocolate vat. Z: Could I get $20 instead? I then suggested going hiking and these was the response: A: Yeah, we could go hiking at Best Buy. N: Yay, Best Buy. Z: Could I go hiking and get $20? While at Best Buy I purchased something for myself and commented that I could have gotten it for free if I had printed out my RewardZone certificates ahead of time. Z said, "Can I have the certificates?" After visiting two Best Buys and four GameStops in the past three days with no money to spend...