Endeavoring To Be More Encouraging

I was reminded recently how deficient I am in the spiritual gift of encouragement. It is something that I have to work on daily because it is not something that comes to me naturally. My mind is typically focused on perfectionism, something that comes standard for most musicians, so I am often guilty of being too picky about the little things. I wonder if a lack of encouragement is something that is common among creative people? After all, they are the ones who seem to need encouragement more than any other group. I am sure we have all known more than a few prima donnas in our church music ministries.

So, as I have heard that AA teaches, accepting that you have a problem is the first step to recovery. I guess this means I am a recovering non-encourager. So what can be done to help me along my road of recovery? How can I endeavor to become more naturally encouraging?

My first plan is to remind myself that, although I do not need to get those pats on the back in order to continue doing what God has called me to do, many people in and around my ministries as well as those I meet casually throughout my daily walk need to get some affirmation in order to make it through their day.

This may sound like a cold and calculating method, but that is what it requires for my brain to grasp this concept. Since it is not a natural act for me, I have to force myself to realize that something unnatural for me does not mean it is the same for others. And while I figured this out a long time ago as related to family (I make a point of letting my beautiful wife and great children know just how much they mean to me) and to my specific areas of ministry (I try to make sure that singers, instrumentalists, and media tech people around me know how much I appreciate them), but I never seemed to carry this over to other areas of my life.

Now, to be totally honest, I do not have another plan beyond that. So, what have you done, or what would you do to teach yourself how to be more of an encourager?


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