Boldness, Forgetfulness, Depression and Shattered Dreams
Boldness was something I learned how to master at an early age. By the time I was six, I had no trouble speaking up in Sunday School. I had no trouble speaking up in my class at school. I had no trouble speaking up to strangers (something we now teach our children to avoid). I had no trouble speaking up in front of a crowd. Actually, I had no trouble speaking up anytime or anywhere. My parents called me motor mouth. From the moment I got out of bed until the moment I went to sleep again, if there was someone around me, I felt it my calling in life to talk about everything. My first grade teacher complimented me one day for keeping quiet 5 minutes during naptime. My parents put a limit on how many words I was allowed to say at the dinner table. Even friends would get annoyed with me because I rarely gave them time to get in a word. Talking seemed to be something over which I had no control. It was like my mouth was a funnel with a direct link to my thoughts. Anything I thou...