Consistently Inconsistent
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. So the saying goes. Most everyone believes this saying, even if they do not live by it. Just think of how often you yourself have rolled your eyes at a drug addict or a thief or a tax cheat and thought Will they never learn . Considering how many people seem to always live in the past, you would think more people would love history. We like to post Throw Back Thursday photos. We love to bring up the wrongs that others have done even as far back as their childhood. We love to talk about the good ol' days. Yet we never seem to learn from the past. I loved history: all those wars and diseases and kingdoms and more wars. I have always found different cultures to be interesting and loved learning what made them tick. This love of history led me to get my graduate degree in Music History. This love of history has led me to purchase study bibles and commentaries so I can better understand the historical context of ...