Primary Purpose for The Church

While attending Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, I learned that the various schools on campus had different opinions about the primary purpose of the church. The School of Christian Education believed that Discipleship was the primary purpose. The School of Theology believed that the primary purpose was evangelism or proclamation of the Word of God. The School of Music believed it to be worship. I am sure that they all felt the other areas were important, they just believed that their area was the most important.

Almost every seminary graduate that I have encountered has told me that their first church after seminary was a complete failure. They entered their new ministry believeing that they were doing the proper thing in emphasizing their area of ministry. They were taught that preaching, teaching, worship, missions, etc., was the most important and they did everything they could to help the church understand that. When a church member, or more often another staff member, first confronted them about this, they were shocked that these people did not also believe that this was the most important purpose of the church.

Admitedly most churches have been taught for years that preaching God's Word is the central theme of the church. Southern Baptists were among the first evangelical churches to move the pastors pulpit to the center of the church in order to show and emphasize this belief. When Rick Warren began talking about the 5 purposes of the church, many of the smaller churches thought he was de-emphasizing the preaching of God's Word. His critics attack him and claim that his preaching is full of fluff and good feelings.

However, the concept of the "Purpose Driven Church" is nothing new. All five of these purposes are emphasized in the Bible. Just look at the Great Commission, Matthew 28:19-20. We are commanded to go (missions) make disciples (evangelism) of all nations (fellowship), baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (worship/exaltation), and teaching them to to obey everything I have commanded you (discipleship).

If there is a single primary purpose of the church, I believe it is to exalt Jesus daily. When we exalt Him in our workplace, we proclaim His name. When we exalt Him during our travels, we become missionaries. When we exalt Him to other believers, we create disciples. When we exalt Him among the church family, we create fellowship of believers. When we exalt Him, we worship. I realize that this comes from a music and worship minister's perspective, but I believe that all five purposes of the church require us to exalt God in order for those areas to be succesful. If we can learn to truly love and worship Jesus, we will have the burning desire to do all of these other things.


Anonymous said…
I believe the same thing. Amen, and God be with you! Matthew 28:20

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