Tribute to Sydney Browning (1963-1999)

Have you ever heard a devotional that sticks with you forever? I had that experience, but it wasn’t until years later that the actual devotional continued to come to my mind. I can even remember the day that the devotional started to really impact me: September 15, 1999.

The devotional was given by Sydney Browning during one of our Youth Choir rehearsals. Sydney and I both attended the same church while I was going to seminary. Sydney was involved in the Single’s choir that I led. She was also involved in the Single’s Counsel and helped in the Youth Choir with me. She was solid in her faith in Christ, but Sydney was not comfortable talking in front of a group.

I remember watching her as she shared her devotional. Her hands were trembling, her lips quivered and her voice was cracking. She had brought a bucket out for her devotional and started to share her testimony. She lifted a bottle of Budweiser out of the bucket and said she used to be a lot like this bottle. While in the bucket, the bottle had been soaking in warm water. She started peeling off the label from the bottle as she explained that she had tried to simply fit in at church by changing the way she appeared at church. The problem of course was that nothing had changed on the inside.

She then opened the bottle and poured out the beer and explained how she tried to empty herself of all her old ways, but still nothing had really changed. She then filled the bottle with clear water until it was overflowing. She explained how she had invited Christ into her life and he cleansed her inside and filled her with His love. As she collected her props at the end of the devotional, she was still trembling.

I left the church after a few years to start a new ministry. Sydney stayed there and eventually became a staff member of the church. I probably would have completely forgotten about this devotional if it had not been for the events of September 15, 1999. On that day, Sydney Browning was at the church that evening with hundreds of youth for a See You at the Pole Rally when Larry Ashbrook walked in and killed seven people. Sydney was one of those seven.

As I sat in Florida watching the news reports covering the shooting at Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, I thought about Sydney. I believe that my best memory of Sydney was watching her standing before the Youth Choir that evening boldly sharing her testimony in spite of how scared she was. And I imagine that it was with that same boldness that she helped save the lives of others while losing her own that day.

Wedgwood removed all of the carpeting following the shooting and allowed church members to write permanent messages on the concrete floors before installing new carpeting. This message was left for Sydney in the foyer where she was killed: “The Father saw you fall little sparrow, then He flew you home. Make them laugh, Syd. Oh, how I'll miss you. I love you.”

My memory of Sydney’s devotional helps me have the courage to stand strong for Christ regardless of the circumstances. Sydney did not have the chance to live a long life, but her life has impacted many people for a very long time.

Memorial outside Wedgwood Baptist Church remembering those killed on September 15, 1999.


Anonymous said…
A GCU commitment in memory of Sydney Browning, who was slain in September 1999 in a Texas church, is the subject of a front-page story scheduled to appear in Sunday’s Arizona Republic. In the wake of Browning’s death, the University promised a college education to children from a Phoenix elementary school where she had been a student teacher. Although the children were only in second grade at the time, 13 of them are planning to attend GCU in the fall. Look for the story, “The Promise,” in Sunday’s Republic
Unknown said…
Thanks for the info. I will try to watch it.

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