Using Social Media for Encouragement

I really appreciate those with the gift of encouragement. There are two senior ladies from our church who are constantly sending out cards and letters to members and ministers alike. Remember the days when we everyone brought little gifts to our Sunday School teachers, RA directors, ministers, choir leaders, etc. Parents that were truly thankful for those who gave their time and energy to teaching their children and youth about the bible, music, missions, etc., made a point of letting these individuals know about it. Letters were written, cards were sent to let people know how much we appreciated them.

That age changed to one where the leaders were expected to be the encouragers. If workers were getting burned out, the leaders were blamed because they were not doing enough encouragement. Ministries started to include extra money each year to pay for little gifts of appreciation to workers for their service to God. Dinners were planned to thank people serving the church for giving their time, talents and energy. It became an institutionalized type of encourgement where leaders recruited others to help them plan and send out encouragement.

However, lately it seems that the new social media has taken on a great ministry through encouragement. Everyday I can see how people post little notes of encouragement or reply to a post letting people know that they are appreciated and that somebody is praying for them. And these messages go around the world to people serving on the mission field, individuals struggling with addictions, families with marital problems and more. I hope this is something that continues for many more years. How can you be a part of encouraging others?


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