Christmas Poem

My Winter Holiday
by Steve Poole, 2011

Putting up the holiday tree,
Mailing holiday greetings with glee,
Buying presents for others from me,
Why am I still so empty?

Singing holiday carols ‘til three,
Then watching holiday shows on TV,
While sipping a cup of holiday tea,
Why am I still so empty?

Then reading the card you sent to me,
“Not presents nor cards nor even the tree,
Are reasons we celebrate this day, you see”
Now I don’t feel so empty.

You shared about Christ and His nativity,
The star, the angels, the shepherds, Mary,
The birth of the One who died for me,
Now I don’t feel so empty.

Now looking at my holiday tree,
The cards and carols and presents for me,
I know the reason for all of the glee,
And I am no longer empty.

For Christ was born and died for me,
I want my friends and family to see,
That Christ is the reason for all of my glee,
And I am no longer empty.

Merry Christmas


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