Christmas Time War

I have a problem with people who force their religious beliefs on others, be it Christians, Muslims, Atheists or Secularists. "Wait a minute," you say, "what do you mean by secularist?" Secularism or Secular Humanism is a religion because it is a belief system that supersedes and/or replaces God. It includes people of many beliefs, including Christians sadly, but the fundamentals of secular humanism override all other belief systems. It is a religion that has spread throughout our higher education, political system and judicial system, spurred on by the mainstream media.

The one area that Secular Humanists have been most successful is in teaching the young people of our nation to believe that there is good in all people and that, regardless of their individual beliefs, society can work together to bring an end to war, pestilence, famine, poverty, hatred, and bigotry. How? Through scientific enlightenment and communal values. This is beamed into the mentality of our citizens from grade school through grad school and from the playground to the boardroom.

Why is Secular Humanism so appealing? Because it takes away our guilt. When we no longer have a core moral fiber, we can compare ourselves to others around us and say, "Hey, at least we are better and more moral than those criminals." Problem is that nobody is exempt from judgment by the Secular Humanist Moralists. That is why the United States is constantly being put down by the elitists of our own country. Because they compare us to China and see how wonderful it is that their government takes away all of the money of the wealthy businessmen and gives it to the poor college students who don't want to work while trying to study.

Christianity has been one of the primary targets of the Secular Humanists. After all, Christians are the ones who teach that there is only one way to get to heaven. Oh, wait a minute, it was actually Christ who taught that. So they are really out to get Christ. And this time of year is a prime example of that. You see, they were successful in getting Christ out of schools, then they took him out of the government, and now there is a cultural war to take Christ out of Christmas.

Christians are guilty of abbreviating the Christ Mass down to Christmas, but not all Christian religions held a Mass on Christ's birth. Anyway, this variation has been used for hundreds of years. Then in the mid 1900s they tried to abbreviate it to Xmas. After a major uproar, somebody pointed out that the X is simply the Greek letter Chi which would have been used in the name of Christ. Since that didn't work, the cultural elite have decided to reduce Christ even further by trying to force the 95% of Americans that believe in Christmas to accept the alternative Happy Holidays so that we do not "offend" anyone. Never mind that holiday is simply an abbreviation of Holy Day. Problem is that they offend Christians by not allowing them to proclaim one of their holiest holidays. Imagine the uproar if the humanists were to attempt to rub out Ramadan or Eid Al Fitr. I am sure that the Muslim religion will soon face the same attacks, but for now it is too convenient as the Muslim religion allows them to paint Christians as religious bigots for not showing some concern for non-Christians during these Holy Days.

Guess I would just have to be fired if I worked for one of the many secular business that refuse to allow their employees to wish somebody a Merry Christmas. I refuse to allow the Secular Humanistic culture of our society decide what is moral. I serve the risen Lord. What other religion can claim that? I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and I will make sure that others around me know that this December 25th is the day that Christians have set aside as a celebration of His birth. You don't have to celebrate my Savior's birth, but you have no right to keep me from proclaiming it. So, happy birthday, Jesus. Merry Christmas  everyone, and may you all have a happy Holy Day celebration.


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