Worship Planning 101
I would like to know what my fellow worship pastors have to say about worship planning. Let's get the conversation started by sharing your answers to the following questions:
- How do you discover new music for use in your worship service? (radio, CDs, clubs, etc.)
- What worship planning tools do you use? (software, books, websites, etc.)
- What style of worship services do you plan? (contemporary, traditional, blended, etc.)
- What elements are commonly used in your worship services? (music, drama, communion, baptism, etc.)
- What have you planned that has really worked well in worship?
- What have you planned that has really gone bad during worship?
- What needs to happen to allow you to really worship yourself as you lead worship?
Share this with other worship pastors in your circle and together we can get a nice sampling with which to start some great discussions on worship planning.