Why ObamaCare Will Hurt You

There are many who believe that ObamaCare will give them free medical insurance. Perhaps this is because they do not understand the secret of ObamaCare.

Some aspects of ObamaCare have already come into effect. For instance, insurance companies now cover dependents until they are 25 years of age. That is the reason that insurance rates have gone up by an average of 25% during the past two years. Once ObamaCare becomes fully implemented in 2014, insurance rates will skyrocket. Some predict they will double or even triple. But how can that be if ObamaCare guarantees medical insurance for everyone?

Let me try to explain this in a very simple way…

Businesses exist for one purpose: to make a profit. Steve Jobs, if he was alive today and was to be honest about it, would not tell you that he worked all those years from a garage so that he could help you get insurance. All businesses get started because somebody has a product or a service that they believe others will pay to get. Including insurance companies.

In 2014 insurance companies will be required to allow everyone to purchase insurance regardless of pre-existing conditions. This means that those with horrible diseases such as cancer, will now be able to get insurance. So will drug addicts and alcoholics who have destroyed their bodies. So will hypochondriacs who visit the doctor even when they are completely well. Everybody will be allowed to purchase insurance. Who do you think will pay for the increased costs to the insurance companies? They will pass that cost on to the people buying the insurance. The cost is passed on to you.

But ObamaCare said my employer would have to pay for it? OK, let’s see if that will actually happen.

Corporation A decides that they will buy into ObamaCare and pay the higher cost for the insurance. But they do not want to lose profits while doing this, so they pass that cost on to people who buy their products or services. The cost is passed on to you. [Granted not everyone will buy the product or service from the company that employs them, but they certainly will buy products or services from others who do and who are therefore forced to pass those increases in cost on to their costumers. You.]

Corporation B decides that they will buy into ObamaCaee and pay the higher cost for the insurance. But they do not want to lose profits while doing this, so they cut their employees pay across the board or eliminate positions in order to cover the increases in their cost. The cost is passed on to you.

Corporation C decides that they will not pay the increased cost for insurance and opt to pay the new tax (or fine) for not providing insurance to their employees. After all, the tax is much cheaper than paying for insurance at the new higher rate. This means that the employees will now have to purchase their own insurance, and not at the previous Group rates that their employer could get. The cost is passed on to you.

Now lets say that you worked for Corporation C (all estimates indicate that most businesses will follow Corporation C’s route) and suddenly you find yourself without insurance. You now fall under the ObamaCare mandate and are required to purchase medical insurance. If you do not pay for insurance, you will have to pay the tax (or penalty). Your company is not required to provide insurance because that cost has been passed on to you.

But wait! There is more. Insurance companies will suddenly lose lots of revenue because businesses will no longer be purchasing insurance from them. So they will once again increase their costs so that they can continue to make a profit. The cost is passed on to you.

So many people will chose to simply pay the fine, which by this time will be less than a fourth of the cost of insurance; especially those who are healthy or those who are too poor to buy insurance.

It isn’t over yet. After a few years of this pattern, insurance companies will start to go out of business due to a lack of costumers. This will send millions more people to the unemployment lines and force those of you who actually had a company pay for your insurance or who bought your own insurance to find another policy somewhere. But what will happen when all of the private insurance companies go bankrupt?

But ObamaCare promised free insurance? Not really, they promised free medical care. And you will still be able to get that the same way that people can now…by going to a government run healthcare center. However, now you will be paying $5000 per year in new taxes for the privilege to do so. But the government will also offer public sector medical insurance, at a premium cost…that is passed on to you.

Now with millions of unemployed from the Corporation B types and insurance companies, and millions of people forced to pay a huge tax or buy their own insurance, a larger recession will take place. Thousands of businesses will start to lose profits and will have to increase the price of their products or services. The cost is passed on to you.

Many of you will suddenly have much less disposable income and will stop buying products and services unless absolutely necessary. That again will create increased costs in prices that are once again passed on to you. More employees will be let go, more companies will go bankrupt, and the government will be required to charge larger fines (taxes) to cover their increased expenses. That cost will be passed on to you.

You say, “I don’t care because I am not in the 1% who have all the money.” Guess what? Neither am I. ObamaCare will not benefit the 99%, nor will it hurt the 1%. They will continue to pass the cost on to you. People with money, like Obama and Pelosi, will still have money. Those who are below the $200,000 class warfare line that Obama has drawn will be the ones to pay for everything. The cost will be passed on to you.

Can you afford ObamaCare? I know that I can’t.


Anonymous said…
This a very well written, easy to understand explanation. Thanks!!

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