If People Were Like Cats

I imagine that normal people never think about things like this, but today I was wondering what things would be like at work if everyone acted like cats. So what did my imagination perceive?

Everyone would get to work very early and they would walk around from room to room waiting to find someone who would start the coffee. If nobody materialized, they would all gather outside any door that held the person who usually makes the coffee. As soon as this person arrived, everyone would crowd around them doing their best to trip them and force them to step lively around everyone until they made it to the coffee pot. While this person was making coffee, everyone else will be stretching and scratching at the cabinets. Some may even be standing incredibly close to the individual who is making the coffee.

After everyone gets their coffee, they will suddenly go running around the office place. The least little thing would distract them, especially if it is something that moves. A few employees may chase each other until one of them gets irritated and decides to slap or scratch anyone that bothers them. This frenzied activity will last for about thirty minutes when suddenly everyone will decide it is time to get in a nap in a nice sunny location.

After nap time, everyone will start walking around sniffing at things. Most of the people will decide that it is a great time to sit and stare out the windows. Birds or other interesting sights will especially interest people. Some employees may get the sudden urger to file their nails. Others may decide that they need to do a little touch-up work on their make-up or de-linting their clothing.

Before long, the employees will start wondering around again until they find something to eat. Left overs may have seemed uninviting earlier, but suddenly they have become more enticing. Then it is time for a long drink again before spending a little time visiting anything that moves in the building. They might try to find someone who can tickle their ears a little. Sometimes they need to get their fur unruffled and that will require some quality time with one of the other employees. When they reach a point where the other is starting to irritate them, they would give a hiss and scratch warning so that it is obvious that they are tired of this game.

With lunch completely settled, it is time for another little nap. Preferably some place out of the way this time where nobody would think to look. If the boss happens to come into the building, the employees will start to wake. With yawns and tired looking eyes, everyone will start to make their presence known to the boss. It will be obvious to the boss that they have been really working hard by all of the yawning and stretching. Some will ignore the boss and pretend that they did not see him enter, but will later stop by his office for a little chat so they can get whatever has been itching them scratched by the boss.

After a little while, the employees will start lining up at the door to the outside just waiting for somebody to let them out. Once that door opens, they will zoom out for a night of fun and frolicking until they have to return the next morning to start everything all over again.

OK, now that I have written it all down, it doesn't sound much different from real life work places.


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