When to Offend

We live in a world gone amuck: Political Correctness; Sensitivity Training; Anger Management; etc. Remember the days when men were men and women were women and men married women? Remember when children were raised by their parents instead of a village? Remember when it was safe to watch a football game on TV with your family without any fear of inappropriate commercials being aired? Remember when Christians took a stand for morality and were not ashamed of letting people know how they felt or what they believed?

Sadly the moral fiber of our world has been corrupted by a well oiled machine of liberalism, intellectual elitism, and religious multiculturalism. Everyone of these isms have shouted out their mantras of acceptance and non-judgmentalism, however they are the most bigoted, judgmental, uninviting groups around.

How often have we heard about how we are not allowed to take away a women's right to choose? Yet when a woman chooses to honor the life that is within her, she is castigated by the pro-abortion crowd as an ignorant, uneducated, religious nut.

How often have we heard how the liberals are accepting of all people? Yet when conservative African American men or women choose to run for a political office, the liberals are the first to demonize and denigrate them.

How often have we been told that we must be accepting of other's religious beliefs and even take exceptional steps to provide for their special religious needs? (i.e. allowing Muslim students to be dismissed from classes during prayer times) Yet these same people scream foul when we wish them a Merry Christmas or include the name of Jesus in a public prayer.

How often have we been told that homosexuality is something that cannot be changed? But when someone like Dennis Jernigan proves that God can change even that area of his life, homosexuals call him a bigot and homophobe.

How often have we been told that expressions of Christianity are unacceptable in public places? Yet these same people have no problem with public displays of anti-Christianity, hedonism and even cultic practices.

I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I will put on the full armor of God to prepare me for the spiritual battles against an increasingly immoral and ungodly world. I will stand firm on the word of God in the face of increasing persecution against Christians. I will not be afraid that my religious beliefs may offend others because their secular, humanistic views offend me. I will not back down from the calling that God has given me to teach others everything that He has commanded. I will not apologize because Jesus taught that He is the only way to get to heaven. I will not shrink from my responsibility of holding my fellow Christians accountable for their inaction or for their inappropriate actions. There is a war being waged for the very souls of every man, women and child on this planet, and I will not sit idly by as an amoral world drags them to hell.

What is more important to you: having friends here on earth or having friends going to heaven? Friends don't let friends die without Christ. It is time for Christians to stop worrying about offending others. It is time that you stand up for that which Christ Jesus has called you to do.


BellaMacey said…
Amen and Amen again!

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