What do I mean about awkward ? That place where you do not have enough people in an ensemble to create two groups, but you have more people than you really need for one group. When I first came to this church, the praise team was composed of the following: 2 sopranos, 2 second sopranos, 2 tenors, 2 altos, a lead singer, acoustic guitar, lead guitar, bass, drums, and a keyboard/piano. I immediately thought that we had too many singers, but they had a great sound together and do function as a separate singing ensemble for special events like our Living Christmas Tree. I wanted to split our singers into two groups, but have faced opposition from the singers who all want to stay together as one group. We also have other singers who are interested in joining the praise team, but I have postponed increasing the group until I decide how to divide into smaller units. I pushed to increase our band to include some wind players (we added a flute with sax and trumpet to follow soon). I moved the k...